Thursday, October 20, 2011

God's Wonderful World of Surprises

Have you ever had someone come into your life quickly and unexpectedly make a big impression on you? And I'm not talking about the 'He ran a red light at Beechmont and Five Mile, didn't see me, and totaled my car' kind of impression. I'm talking about when you meet someone seemingly by chance and that conversation becomes the highlight of your day.

A couple of years ago, my wife and I ran into a couple at Parkside on a Sunday morning. The couple had recently come to the US from Ethiopia. They only knew a few people in Cincinnati, but they had heard from one of them that Parkside cared about Ethiopians. Now I don't have a clue who they talked to, but whoever it was, was totally right!

We quickly developed a friendship the Telahown, his wife Ayantu, and their son. We had them over to our house, we went over to their place. We even taught each other about our different culture. I really enjoyed having conversations with Telahown about Scripture and his heart for ministry. He has a huge passion for teaching others about God's truth.

More than a year ago, Telahown and Ayantu had another son. As is customary in their culture, Ayantu went back to live with her mother in Ethiopia for the first few months of their new son's life. Telahown had been looking for a better job and found one in Nevada. Ethiopians who move to America keep in very good contact with other Ethiopians in the US and that was how he discovered this job opportunity.

So just like that, they disappeared from our everyday life. A couple months after they moved, I got a call from him telling me that he made it to Nevada safely. We prayed with each other and that was the last I heard from him, until yesterday.

God's surprises are great aren't they? Telahown called me yesterday to tell me they had lost our number but found it in an old notebook. He is still in Nevada and is working as a Taxi driver (He really likes it). His wife and boys have moved to Nevada with him. The last time I had talked to him I told him that there was a church close to where he lived that I had done an internship at. Yesterday on the phone he told me it is their home church now and they really have become a part of the church family.

Telahown made a big impression in a short time in my life. It was such a blessing to hear that he is well and is still connected with the Body of Christ. I share this story to remind you to keep investing in people. Whether they are in your life for a week or for years it's worth it. Let God's love flow from your life into theirs. You may never get the kind of phone call I got yesterday, but you might. Keep praying and celebrate the promises of God's goodness.

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